The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles is a collection game, consisting of The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures and The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve, two previously Japan-only spin-off games in Capcom's Ace Attorney series. It was released in the west for the PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch and PC on July 24th, 2021.[1] The collection is itself part of the Ace Attorney Turnabout Collection alongside the Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy.
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According to localization director Janet Hsu, one of the various challenges the team encountered during the localization process was the amount of programming and scripting. As The Great Ace Attorney really aimed to bring each character to life through animations and dynamic camera work, this led to animation changes in the middle of nearly every line of dialogue in some places. The game's visuals are also a departure from the mainline games in that there are connecting animations between each animation. Because the team couldn’t change or rearrange the characters’ animations, they would first translate the game as naturally as possible and then adjust the translation as necessary, so that each animation could play out as they were meant to without causing any unintended bugs because a line was too short, for example.[2]
In addition, the Japanese version was very carefully crafted to create a sense of speech through a custom scripting language that can dictate a whole range of elements such as the display speed of each line, when and for how long pauses in the text and sound effects should last, and even the speed at which animations should play for comedic effect. So re-creating that "being read aloud" feel and making sure the comedic timing was just right in the English version as well was a monumental task. Hsu also noted that due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it was a "small miracle" the team were able to record an English dub at all.[2]
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The collection will be released on July 24th, 2021.
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External links[]
- Official site (Japanese)
- Official site (English)
- Ace Attorney wikia article