Capcom Database

Mitsunari Ishida

Mitsunari Ishida is a character in the game Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes. He was a loyal retainer of Hideyoshi Toyotomi.

However, when Ieyasu Tokugawa revolted and killed Hideyoshi, Mitsunari's heart became filled with hatred and he vowed to exterminate Ieyasu in revenge.


  • Condemnation - Swiftly dodge the enemies and throw them up in the air instantly as he disengages the sword. Followed by an aerial attack.
  • Vexation - Rapid sequence of sword movements following swift disengagement of sword. Numerous blades chop up the enemy into pieces. Charged attacks dramatically increase the damage inflicted.
  • Lamentation - "Flash" (Mitsunari's original rapid move) followed by slashing approaching enemies.
  • Basara Technique - Clears out nearby enemies with moves so fast it is not possible to see the movement of his sword.

